Genre(s): Heavy Metal
Formed in Jaraguá Do Sul - SC, 2004.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/fradenegro, december, 2015.
The Bells Of Chaos [EP, 2008]:
1. The Dead Walk 04:39
2. Lost in the Fire 03:05
3. Shot to Kill 03:35
Marcos Strelow Bass
João Ortiz Drums
Murilo Soares Guitars
Rodrigo Santos Vocals

Black Souls In the Abyss [Full-lenght, 2012 - Kill Again Records]:
1. Danger 00:54
2. Headbanger 03:03
3. Souls in the Abyss 03:17
4. The Dead Walk 04:49
5. Black Warriors 04:09
6. House of Pain 04:58
7. Forgotten by the Gods 06:50
8. The Snake Smoked 03:41
9. Lost in the Fire 03:20
Marcos Strelow Bass
João Ortiz Drums
Murilo Soares Guitars
Rodrigo Santos Vocals

From: http://brazilianunderground.blogspot.com.br/2013/12/frade-negro-2012-black-souls-in-abyss.html
First To Die [Single, 2015]:
1. First D.I.E 04:14

The Attack Of The Damned [Full-lenght, 2015 - Kill Again Records]:
1. First D.I.E.
2. Maximum Destruction
3. Hate
4. Contested
5. Edge of the World
6. Satans Bride
7. Waiting for You
8. Just four Aces (Poker Night)
9. Shoot to Kill
Marcos Strelow Bass
João Ortiz Drums
Rodrigo Santos Vocals
Murilo Soares Guitars

Or: http://rusfolder.com/44321286
From: https://metalarea.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=254310
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